Slow-moving landslides are a common type of slope deformation. Even though generally not catastrophic, they can cause serious damages to infrastructures and even may be a precursor of a rapid slope failures. The slow slope movements are controlled by viscous characteristics of soil and the effective stress state, however, the relationship between porewater pressure and ground movement is complex and not well understood. Modelling of such landslides can provide important information to reduce risk and related costs, but numerical modelling that accounts for soil mechanical behaviour is scarce in literature, especially when time-dependent behaviour such as creep is considered. The proposed PhD project will cover both the laboratory experiments and subsequent numerical modelling. First, the candidate will carry out thorough laboratory investigation of mechanical time-dependent characteristics of marlstones occurring in landslides in Central Bohemian Uplands, Czechia. The viscous characteristics will be studied by constant rate of strain (CRS - test will be performed in new CRS oedometers), triaxial creep and using field stress paths, such as the pore pressure reinflation test. The results of laboratory work will be used for calibration of the viscohypoplastic model, which will be used in a simulation of a real landslide case.
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